
I don’t want to alarm anyone but it’s October. Nearly November, and my dad is about three weeks away from whipping out the decorations and beginning his annual Christmas Carol Sing-Along sessions (read: torture).

At the beginning of this year, I wrote myself a list of goals. Looking at that list now, I’m wondering when exactly I’m going to enrol in a German course, learn guitar or master rollerblading…. Maybe it’s time to re-assess.

But one thing that I wrote down that I really do want to focus on is my intention to write more. Starting with this blog post and hopefully continuing with a few more.

Does anyone else feel like their New Year’s resolutions will end up being next year’s too?

I’m a serial procrastinator and I often find myself waiting for the right moment to start something. Waiting until I finish another project. Waiting until I have more time. Waiting until I’m not so ‘busy’.

But really, there’s never going to be a right time to start something. You just have to make time.


I recently read an article that said people love to say ‘I’m busy’. Someone was even quoted saying, “Whenever I say I’m busy, I feel a combination of accomplished and overwhelmed.”

I can so relate to this. I love being busy. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Being busy can give you a sense of purpose.

I think the problem starts when we start to say I’m too busy. Too busy implies we don’t have time, but what it really means is that we’re prioritising other things. Of course we will all have busy periods from time to time, and sometimes it will be out of our control. But I’m talking about the excuses we tell ourselves, that we’re too busy to be doing whatever it is we actually want to be doing.

I think what we really need to do is take a step back and figure out what’s important? What are you passionate about? What is it that you really enjoy doing and does that match up with what you’re spending all your time on?

Now, I would have a hard time telling someone that my true passion is Instagram. But if I honestly added up all the hours I’ve spent stalking strangers I could probably have written a novel by now. Clearly there’s room to make some changes.

So if you have a project you have been waiting to start, if you’ve been waiting for a sign, or the right moment, this is it.

Just start. You can’t steer a parked car.

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